Hamburg (Germany)

UNERHÖRT! is a cinephiles film festival that brings music films to the cinema and reflects on the current state of the music and film worlds. Like every year, they are looking for film premieres and film pearls that would open up a dialogue with filmmakers and film lovers for their audience.

They don’t just want to “exhibit” the films, they want to enter into dialogue and help shape debates as an important link in the chain of communication about the films shown and the music they listen to. Because UNERHÖRT! programs always want to be a storm of images and an experience that refers to the cultural and political space in which music is created.



Created in 2007, Unerhört brings music films to the cinema and reflects on the current state of the music and film worlds.

▷▷ One of Unerhört’s favourite music films/documentaries of all time ?

“ Don’t Look Back by D.A. Pennebaker ”

▷▷ One of the most memorable screenings organized by Unerhört ?

“SHAYNE, the very unique portrayal of Ricky Shayne, directed by Stephan Geene. Ricky Shayne attended and played three songs on his acoustic guitar after the screening, including a heartbreaking 10-minute long blues piece (after John Lennon’s “Jealous guy” and his own “Oh Mammy” hit…).”

▷▷ The music film/doc the Unerhört team would love to see being made ?

“ A film about performing rights organisations like the German GEMA or the French SACEM. A film about the competition of record diggers on the African continent and the debate about their colonial attitude vs their preserving treasures through the channels of capitalist economy. A film about roadies.”

▷▷ One music film/doc that didn’t get as much praise as it should have according to the Unerhört’s team ?

“ABER DAS WORT HUND BELLT JA NICHT (But the word dog doesn’t bark) from director Bernd Schoch (Germany 2011, 49′) about the freejazzing Schlippenbach Trio (Paul Lovens, Evan Parker, Alexander von Schlippenbach).”

▷▷ A music film/doc of your country you really enjoyed lately.

“SHAYNE by Stephan Geene”

▷▷ In one word what does the MFFN mean for you ?

“ Exchange and discovery


Don't Look Back
Don't Look Back
Aber das Wort Hunt bellt ja nicht
Aber das Wort Hunt bellt ja nicht

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